01 about

I was awarded the Glamorgan Art Scholarship whilst on my A level course at Mountain Ash Grammar School, Wales. On leaving school I studied at Cardiff College of Art and Design specialising in painting and ceramics and then my ATD the University of Wales , Cardiff.
On gaining a teaching qualification I began my teaching career in Art & Design predominantly in secondary education but also extending to adult education. This continued until I took early retirement in 1996.
I have taught a large number of students over the years and have seen many of them go on to achieve high success within the field of Art & Design. However whilst I am very proud of this I feel at this time in my life I want to advertise and promote my own work.
I believe that human beings have an innate desire to express themselves creatively. I also believe that Art & Design teachers amongst most other teachers of the curriculum subjects practice what they preach. I had endeavoured to do this throughout my teaching career. During this time I had assimilated many influences to my development as an artist from visits to galleries, exhibitions and workshops throughout this country and Europe and even from my students. However I have pursued and maintained an interest in various themes peculiar to me throughout this period. I also believed that art teaching had continually developed and moved with the times within my teaching career and had been one of personal developments and learning experience.
I believe my painting and ceramics have complimented each other and that there has been an affinity between both pursuits. Within my paintings I have tried to create an excitement and appeal in terms of light, colour and surface texture.
In my ceramics I had initially explored a wide range of hand building techniques coupled with a similar range of clays. However, for many years this has been reduced to forms thrown on an electric wheel using stoneware and porcelain clays. I have explored a combination of slips, oxides and glazes and continue to do so. The outcome is endless and I always look forward to opening the kiln to see the results. I have also done a limited amount of racku, finding this a very exciting process.
I have exhibited both paintings and ceramics in various shows and over the years from:-
The Cecil Higgins Museum, Bedford
The Luton Museum/Art Gallery
Reading Museum/Art Gallery
Berkshire Teachers of Art & Design
Painted murals in a bar in Barcelona
Most recently and for many years I have assisted the Saturday Ceramics Group at Reading College.

02 portfolio
All pieces are original and available for purchase. For pricing or other information, please contact me.

03 contact
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have a question about a piece.